Delta Lake vs AWS Glue

August 25, 2021

Delta Lake vs AWS Glue

Managing big data can be a challenge, and choosing the right tool for the job is crucial. Delta Lake and AWS Glue are two popular and widely used tools that help manage big data. But which one is better?

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Delta Lake and AWS Glue, compare their features, and see how they stack up against each other.

What is Delta Lake?

Delta Lake is a storage layer that brings reliability to big data by adding ACID transactions, schema enforcement, and versioning to data lakes. It was developed by Databricks, and it’s open source.

Delta Lake provides several benefits, including:

  • Reliability. Delta Lake ensures data consistency, even in the face of data concurrency issues. It does this using a transaction log that tracks all changes to the data, allowing for easy rollbacks and versioning.
  • Schema Validation. Delta Lake enforces schema validation, ensuring that the data lake data adheres to the specified schema.
  • Query Optimization. Delta Lake uses table indexing and caching to optimize queries and increase performance.

What is AWS Glue?

AWS Glue is a fully managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service that makes it easy to move data between data stores. It automatically discovers and profiles data, and generates ETL code in Python or Scala to transform it. AWS Glue is serverless, so it automatically scales to handle large data processing jobs.

AWS Glue provides several benefits, including:

  • Ease-of-Use. AWS Glue provides a simple drag-and-drop interface to create and manage ETL workflows. It also automatically generates ETL code.
  • Scalability. AWS Glue is fully managed and serverless, meaning it scales automatically to handle large data processing jobs.
  • Cost-Effective. AWS Glue is pay-as-you-go, meaning you pay only for the resources you use.

Delta Lake vs AWS Glue

Feature Delta Lake AWS Glue
ACID transactions Yes No
Schema enforcement Yes No
Reliability High Moderate
Query optimization High Moderate
Ease-of-Use Moderate High
Scalability High High
Cost-Effective Low Moderate

As we can see from the comparison table, Delta Lake provides better reliability, query optimization, and schema enforcement than AWS Glue. However, AWS Glue is easier to use, more scalable, and more cost-effective. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of each use case.


Delta Lake and AWS Glue are powerful tools for managing big data. While both tools have their strengths and weaknesses, they can each provide significant value, depending on the use-case. Delta Lake’s reliability and query optimization features make it a strong choice for organizations with complex data requirements, while AWS Glue’s ease-of-use and scalability make it a good fit for many organizations.

So, which tool is right for you? That depends on your specific needs.


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